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[rule 1, archived] how do you escape?

rule 1: how do you escape?


  • Escape: “break free from confinement or control”




SOLIDARITIES: Black Girlhood Conversations

Featuring a conversation with: Annette Joseph-Gabriel + Crystal Webster + Nazera Wright + Kabria Baumgartner + Aria Halliday + Habiba Ibrahim

Thursday February 10, 2022

Watch the event below

….and we danced….

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“Maryam is an artist, mystic and entertainer. She’s the proprietor of Temple of Color and Sound, an itinerant gathering, ritual, and performance space. Maryam is sort of Republica’s official/unofficial ambassador. She’s been traveling about the world for the past few years. She is having fun, but misses home terribly.” - Kristina Kay Robinson

Virtual GalleryEn tiempos de pandemia"Adal, Mayra y yo, conspirando"Ballesta 9 ©2o2o

Virtual Gallery

En tiempos de pandemia

"Adal, Mayra y yo, conspirando"

Ballesta 9 ©2o2o

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Schaun Champion

Schaun is a Baltimore based natural light photographer, filmmaker and instructor who specializes in portraiture, fine art and cultural documentary work. Using both analog and digital cameras, she’s inspired by film, music and all things vintage. She creates intentionally cinematic and honest imagery that illustrates the drama within the familiar while exploring themes of diversity and nostalgia.

She’s worked with a wide range of subjects, from Oscar nominated cinematographer, Bradford Young, fashion designer, Bishme Cromartie, several public figures like D.Watkins, reality tv stars, independent/grammy winning musicians, as well as friends, family, and strangers on the streets around the world.

Her journeys have led her to develop the youth travel photography program, A Looking Glass Project. A program dedicated to helping underrepresented youth of Baltimore gain their passports to travel domestically and internationally while developing their visual art skills. She’s currently partnered with Morgan State University to bring photography education to the Youth Arts Institute.

Additionally, her work has been featured in Cultured Magazine, The New York Times, Essence, American Cinematographer Magazine, BmoreArt, Travel Noire, Baltimore Beat, The Afro, Roc Nation, Blavity, xoNecole, Salon, Bustle, The Baltimore Sun, Soulbounce, TheBmoreCreatives and more.

Explore the artist and the work: https://schaunchampion.com/

VIDEO: Activism and Self-Care
Stephanie Y. Evans, historian: “Black Women’s Yoga Memoirs Before and After 1975” (2020) via the #BigBerks2020 Plenaries Archive

Tune in on your own schedule
Sample these pre-recorded and written talks gifted to the Berks from some of our plenary speakers. The materials can be enjoyed at any time and will remain available on the Berks website. (Browse the digital program at the top of this page to read more about these speakers, their co-panelists, and the special sessions of Berks 2020.)

More here: https://berksconference.org/big-berks/2020-berkshire-conference/virtual-conference/

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To escape is to abscond…

to leave hurriedly and discretely, to avoid detection or arrest. def

to be liminal, ephemeral, transient

to be dissolute, wayward, recalcitrant

to queer


start here...

light a candle. play a record. burn palo santo.

sit at the typewriter and write. steal a few minutes.

thief memories. pull bloodied poems from swollen kidneys.

tear away at kindness softness. type every other word that comes until you smell freedom.